Thursday 15 May 2014

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As a lover of marketing and the art of influence, I’m excited about every media channel available to us. It is pretty cool to see creativity expressed in billboards you pass as you drive around (or, lucky you, are driven around!).

It is amazing to see the hyperfragmentation of TV content and audiences (if you are looking for people age 30–45 who earn around $60,000 per year, go on cruises with their dogs, and are vegan, there is achannel for them on TV!). I’m sure you’ve been impressed with radio’s capability to drawaudiences (and not just when they are trapped in their cars!).

With all that said and done, I’m perhaps most excited about the immense possibilitiesthat digital presents for our companies to find people, influence them, deliver relevantcontent, and exchange happiness for conversions.

Think about it for a second. How coolis that!And for all the audience-targeting awesomeness, the ability to pay just a pennymore than the competition to show your ads, the crazy scale at which you can customizethe ad creative (almost down to a person!), and the sheer intelligence you can infuse intoyour marketing and advertising … I’m crazy mad in love with one possibility: the abilityto discern intent.Even if you are the right demographic and psychographic for my company andare watching my company’s ad for the 900th time on TV, I have no idea if you have anyintention of buying anything (you just bought a new car/TV/pants/trip!).

With digital thisis less of a problem or not a problem at all.On the Web your behavior is a strong signal of intent. Nowhere is this truer thanwith search. I, as a marketer, don’t have to guess anymore. Hundreds of millions of peopleare on a search engine every single day, raising their proverbial hands, and saying, Sellto me!Intent.Your job, nay, your duty on behalf of your company is to identify that intent and todeliver the optimal message (via the AdWords ad and its awesome collection of ad extensions)back to the searcher and say, I will sell to you, and here’s what’s great about ourproducts/services.

For the second time, how cool is that!Google and other search engines make it easy for you to get going. They make iteasy for you to start, to run your initial cluster of ads, and to get your first few wins.But search engine marketing is a complex field with enough options to scare you or,if you can master them, allow you to create a sustained competitive advantage with hugeprofit upside for your company.If you don’t want to be scared (which sadly often results in the folding of your business),then my dear friend Brad Geddes has written the perfect book for you.

Even if youmaster half of this book, your competition will not know what hit ’em.In Advanced Google AdWords Brad holds your hand and walks you through theentire journey. Starting with the simplest fundamentals, to setting up your first accountsto win from day 1, to sharing best practices for optimizing your accounts, to testing andanalytics, you won’t even realize how quickly you’re becoming smarter with every chapteryou internalize in this book.

Perhaps my favorite part, besides Brad’s accessible writing style, is all the tools thatare shared in the book—gems that make my day-to-day life easier.Your customers are doing their part by sharing their intent. Are you going torespond?Carpe diem!


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